Second Life Firestorm Tool Tips: Use Area Search or Linksets to Find Lost Objects

Hello my lovely virtual Goddesses and Gods. Today I have a tip for how to find those pesky objects you rezzed and then couldn’t find. These tools also come in handy for those times when you just feel like redecorating, or changing seasons. I’ve found many a stray winter ornament overlooked when it came time to do spring decorating by using the Area Search and Linksets windows.

Area Search

One way to search for lost objects is to use the Area Search tool, found under the World menu of the Firestorm viewer:

area search

Area Search enables you to search for objects by name, will show you their distance from you, and will put a beacon on them to help make them easy to find.


The Linksets window is a great tool for locating, selecting, teleporting to, and/or taking your objects.  Just the other day I rezzed a shopping bag on the ground. Or so I thought…it actually rezzed underground and out of sight.


The Linksets window lists objects rezzed in the sim. You can sort the list by object name, owner, description, distance, and land impact.  Selected objects are highlighted with beacons, and you can take them, teleport to them, return or delete them right from the Linksets window.

pathfinding 01

At the end of last winter as I was putting away winter and bringing out spring, I found a lot of overlooked winter items that I had put out in public areas of the sim and then either forgot about them, or forgot where I put them. I’ve used this tool quite a bit, lol.

That’s it for today my virtual lovelies, just a couple of quick tips to help you find missing stuff and prevent wasting land allowance prims on lost items. Please feel free to post your own useful tip for finding lost objects in the comments, and please let me know if you found this helpful.  If so, I’ll include this sort of thing as a regular blog topic 🙂

Got Thoughts? Please share them 😊. I love to hear your ideas and suggestions for new realms to visit!